Paz de la Calzada (USA)
El Palo Alto Medicine (2022)
Mural, Herbal Medicine, and related objects
5'x7' mural and 3'x2' vitrine
Embodied in this project is the city of Palo Alto, its communities, their stories, and its ecology. This multidisciplinary art project consists of a site - specific mural and a vitrine containing medicinal remedies and related objects.
Inspired by the story of El Palo Alto (the tall pole, in Spanish), the oldest redwood tree in the area and the one that gives the city of Palo Alto its name, and in collaboration with local community garden members, I created herbal remedies using the leaves from this legendary, ancient and iconic redwood tree.
This installation culminated in a community ritual, a tea ceremony with the public gathering around the artful preparation, presentation, and enjoyment of the El Palo Alto Redwood Tree tea.
Instagram: @pazdelacalzada