Fumiyo Yoshikawa (USA)

天地同根/Everything Connects to One Same Root/Shape of Meditation
Object made with codes and paper / A Video capturing the installations of 天地同根 / Everything Connects to One Same Root / Shape of Meditation
Object: 6000 feet of codes and paper at this point

"Shape of Meditation / Shared Memories" draws inspiration from the profound concept of "Tenchi Dokon, Everything Connects to Same One Root" a Zen expression signifying the interconnectedness of everything in the universe, transcending the boundaries of time and space.
This philosophy profoundly influences my artistic journey. Consider the power of kindness: when one person extends kindness to another, it not only warms their heart but also generates happiness and positive energy. This positive energy can take myriad forms, from kind words and acts of goodwill to art and music infused with positivity. These expressions possess the incredible ability to warm hearts and inspire happiness, creating a beautiful chain reaction of positivity passed from one person to another. This cycle forms the essence of this project.

"Shape of Meditation / Shared Memories" represents an ongoing artistic endeavor that has been evolving since 2016. The objects featured in this project are crafted from paper that has served as a canvas for my calligraphy and ink painting practices. These objects are bound together by red strings, symbolizing my meditations, thoughts, and memories, all connected through a shared, profound root. These individual pieces are then assembled into units, culminating in larger installations that have graced both indoor and outdoor settings.


Roots and Veins 1
Ink and gold on Xuan paper
14 x 24 inches

This artwork was inspired by my view of the Rocky Mountains from an airplane. The mountain ridges resembled leaf veins, roots, blood vessels, and nerve cells, revealing the macro and micro similarities in nature and the cosmos. This vision connects to the concept of "Tenchi Dokon," where all things in the universe are linked to a single root. Every aspect of life, no matter how small, is part of the cosmos and connected to the greater universe. With this in mind, I created this piece, using the interplay of ink and water on paper to symbolize these veins and the roots that connect everything.


Roots and Veins 2
Sumi-ink, gold on Xuan paper
14 x 24 inches

Through the Trees is an illustration of the natural world, the cycles of life, and the reality that some animals are predators and the others are prey. Challenging the peaceful narrative told in a calendar-perfect photo of trees changing colors in preparation for winter, I present an imaginary landscape in vivid browns and greens, populated by owls seeking dinner and a lone yet confident squirrel regarding them from the safety of his rock. I think he’s got this one.


Eva Holts (Ukraine)


Gaby Roter (Germany)